Hospitals & Health Systems

Healthcare organizations are facing unprecedented workforce challenges. Prepare your clinicians and staff for the future with patented, brain science-based training that respects clinicians’ time, maximizes their potential, and enhances overall well-being.


Achieve exceptional outcomes and unprecedented return on investment with our brain science-based healthcare learning solutions for all roles and experience levels.

50-80% reduction in training time

79% reduction in avoidable harm

19% increase in EHR Proficiency

Enhance clinician well-being


Discover curated learning solutions for hospitals, health systems, integrated delivery networks, ambulatory care providers, and more.

Who We Train

Use Amplifire to train all roles in your organization, including but not limited to the following:

  • Nurses
  • Physicians/APPs
  • Leadership
  • Clinical support staff
  • Laboratory staff
  • Technicians
  • Registrars and schedulers
  • And more

Why health systems choose Amplifire

Amplifire’s patented learning methodology and unique content development model empower your organization to achieve its goals.

  • Adaptive, personalized algorithm

    Adaptive learning respects learners’ time and prior knowledge

  • Proven, patented brain science approach

    Precision learning that results in long-term retention, and diagnoses individual and systemic knowledge gaps

  • Collaborative co-development model

    Healthcare Alliance of 30+ organizations committed to evidence-based outcomes

  • LMS agnostic

    Flexibility to deliver training to your learners within your learning management solution or as a standalone solution

The Healthcare Alliance

The Healthcare Alliance is a growing collaboration of more than 30 renowned health systems that co-develop courseware and share a commitment to improve clinical quality and patient safety, reduce avoidable harm, and enhance caregiver wellness.

See for yourself

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