Oracle Cerner Solutions

Poor EHR adoption rates lead to diminished clinician and staff well-being. Partner with Amplifire to increase Oracle Cerner adoption and improve clinician and staff satisfaction. Our instructional design team is positioned to collaborate with you to design and develop a best-in-class learning experience.

What You’ll Achieve

Help physicians, nurses, and clinical support staff more effectively navigate and document within Oracle Cerner. Access actionable analytics for targeted follow-up and valuable insights to optimize your overall training investment.

Reduce onboarding and training time

Health systems are seeing an average of 66% reduction in training time, translating into meaningful ROI

Increase Oracle Cerner satisfaction and clinician well-being

Enhance clinician well-being with adaptive, personalized training

Actionable Content and Learner Analytics

Metrics and analytics allow you to tailor your training and support efforts so your clinicians can focus on what matters – the patient

Why health systems choose Amplifire Oracle Cerner Training

Amplifire’s patented approach delivers impressive returns, including reduced training time, better patient outcomes, and happier, more competent clinicians.

  • Adaptive, personalized algorithm

    Adaptive learning respects learners’ time and prior knowledge

  • Proven, patented brain science approach

    Precision learning that results in long-term retention, and diagnoses individual and systemic knowledge gaps, and results in long-term retention with broad applicability

  • Collaborative co-development model

    Healthcare Alliance of 30+ organizations committed to evidence-based outcomes

  • LMS agnostic

    Flexibility to deliver training to your learners within your learning management solution or as a standalone solution

Available Courses

The following roles have courses ready for rapid development. We are actively looking for additional co-development partners. Please contact us for co-development opportunities.



Templates are ready for physicians, nurses, and clinical support staff to more effectively navigate the patient record workflow, reduce onboarding and training time, and optimize overall EHR investment.

Amplifire image overlay
  • Order Set Navigation
  • IP
  • OB/GYN
  • Behavioral Health
  • Surgical
  • ED
  • Oncology


Templates are ready for physicians, nurses, and clinical support staff to more effectively navigate the patient record workflow, reduce onboarding and training time, and optimize overall EHR investment.

Amplifire image overlay
  • ADT
  • Care Compass
  • Chart Review
  • IPOCs
  • iView and PowerForms
  • Med Admin
  • Orders Management

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