Revenue Cycle Management Solutions

At a time when margins are slim and turnover is high, it is more critical than ever to optimize your workforce. Preventable errors and inefficiencies impact your bottom line. Reduce errors, expedite onboarding and increase efficiency with training that boosts knowledge, confidence, and proficiency.

What You’ll Achieve

Help schedulers, registrars, coders, and back-office staff reduce errors and gain confidence in their jobs, empowering them to take charge of their career.

Decrease onboarding and training time

Health systems are seeing an average of 66% reduction in training time, translating into meaningful ROI

Reduce errors

Meaningful reduction in patient identification errors, accounts receivables, denials, and more

Improve employee satisfaction

Boost confidence and proficiency in RCM workforce

Why health systems choose Amplifire RCM Training

Amplifire’s patented approach boosts your bottom line with faster onboarding, a reduction in errors, and happier, more competent employees.

  • Adaptive, personalized algorithm

    Adaptive learning respects’ learners time and prior knowledge

  • Proven, patented brain science approach

    Precision learning that results in long-term retention, and diagnoses individual and systemic knowledge gaps and corrects confidently held misinformation

  • Collaborative co-development model

    Healthcare Alliance of 30+ organizations committed to evidence-based outcomes

  • LMS agnostic

    Flexibility to deliver training to your learners within your learning management solution or as a standalone solution

Available Courses and Templates

Both General RCM courses and Epic RCM templates are available to be customized to your organization’s needs.


Epic RCM Templates

Amplifire has courses and templates ready for physicians, nurses, and clinical support staff to more effectively navigate the patient record workflow, reduce errors, and boost the bottom line.

See The Healthcare Course Catalog
Amplifire image overlay
  • Registration
  • Emergency Department Registration
  • Scheduling and Front Desk
  • Clinical Scheduling
  • Radiology Scheduling
  • Lab Front Desk
  • Inpatient Coding

General RCM Courses

Amplifire has courses and templates ready for physicians, nurses, and clinical support staff to more effectively navigate the patient record workflow, reduce errors, and boost the bottom line.

See The Healthcare Course Catalog
Amplifire image overlay
  • Automatic Filing Order
  • Commercial Insurance Identification
  • EMTALA Rules
  • Health Equity Demographics
  • MSPQ
  • Patient Search and Selection
  • Real-Time Eligibility
  • Revenue Cycle Overview
  • Coverage Basics
  • Patient Verification
  • Guarantors
  • Worker’s Compensation & Third-Party Liability
  • Point of Service Collections

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