Public Sector

FedRAMP-authorized adaptive learning platform, Amplifire is built from patented brain science discoveries and delivers superior outcomes while dramatically reducing costs.


Experience exceptional outcomes and unprecedented ROI with our brain science-based learning solutions for all roles and experience levels.

50-80% reduction
in training time

79% reduction in avoidable harm incidents

Increase proficiency while maximizing instructors’ time

Identify and pinpoint where learners struggle


FedRAMP-authorized learning solutions available for public sector organizations, including the military and those in service of the Veterans Affairs. Utilize existing courses or build new courses in a fraction of the time.

Solutions List

Examples of existing courses our clients use today:

  • Call center training
  • Compliance training
  • Quality and Safety training
  • Pre-simulation training
  • Business systems processes
  • Claims processing
  • And more

Who We Train

Courses can be tailored for all levels and skills, including:

  • Clinicians
  • Pilots and flight crew
  • Veteran advocates
  • Call center agents
  • Management
  • Professional staff

Why public sector organizations choose Amplifire

Amplifire’s patented approach and easy AI authoring tool supports a virtual training model, allowing instructors to focus time and energy on application learning with their students.

  • Respects pre-existing knowledge

    Adaptive, personalized algorithm respects learners’ time and prior knowledge

  • Proven, patented brain science approach

    Precision learning that results in long-term retention, and diagnoses individual and systemic knowledge gaps

  • Actionable Analytics

    Identifies individualized, real-time progress and pinpoints areas of struggle

  • LMS Agnostic

    Flexibility to deliver training to your learners within your existing learning management system or as a standalone solution

Trusted by

Our clients are globally recognized leaders in industries where the stakes are the highest.

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