Giving organizations the competitive edge they need with knowledge
Paving a smarter future as the world’s leading adaptive learning platform
Fostering faster, longer-lasting learning, powered by leading brain science research
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How Efficient are Your Organization’s Learning Tools?
Is Your LMS Underperforming For Your Healthcare System?
Amplifire Heatmaps – A Quick Orientation
10 Tips for Engaging and Aligning Physicians
Reducing nurse onboarding time by over 25%
Finding and fixing 32% misinformation in national demo
Increased pass rate on the MCAT
Increasing the pass rate on the restaurant food safety exam by 18%
$4 million savings through error reduction
Is it Possible to Study Less, but Score Higher?
Eight Forms of Adaptivity Your Education Technology Should Possess
New Learning Strategies Can Boost Student and University Success
The Three Most Common Mistakes in Learning