Amplifire increased the pass rate on the restaurant food safety exam by 18% while reducing the failure rate by 34%.
- Industry: Trade Association
- Large food service association
- 500,000 restaurants
Every student in culinary arts must pass the food and beverage safety certificate exam in order to begin a career in the restaurant business. Their coursework usually takes place at a community college, and includes topics like Sanitation and Safety.
Amplifire’s efficacy was tested at a large community college in North Carolina with an enrollment of more than 40,000 students. Amplifire was added to the curriculum in 2015. The food and beverage safety exam pass rates were then compared with those from the year before. Students who used Amplifire were 18% more likely to pass the exam—and 34% less likely to fail it.
Learners were aware of this benefit, with 100% of them agreeing that Amplifire helped them learn and remember the material.
“It gave me the chance to see what I knew and to get help along the way.”
“Amplifire was extremely helpful, repeating the question until I was 100% sure.”