Why We Are Different

Legacy training tools’ outdated, one-size-fits-all method does not work for modern organizations. Amplifire’s adaptive algorithms tailor learning to each individual, providing an ultra-personalized learning experience. Our patented approach, unmatched ability to meet learners where they are, and unique content co-development model give organizations a powerful edge.

Our Proven Approach

Amplifire’s unique, patented approach delivers unprecedented ROI including reduced training time, better patient outcomes and happier, more competent clinicians.

  • Adaptive, personalized algorithm

    Adaptive learning respects learners’ time and prior knowledge

  • Proven, patented brain science approach

    Precision learning that results in long-term retention, and diagnoses individual and systemic knowledge gaps

  • Collaborative co-development model

    Industry leaders build best-in-class courseware

  • LMS agnostic

    Flexibility to deliver training to your learners within your existing learning management system or as a standalone solution

Precision learning that sticks

Amplifire has the unique ability to detect Confidently held misinformation (CHM), when a person believes they are correct, but they are actually wrong.

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