Despite continuous medical advancement, the risk of maternal mortality and morbidity is increasing. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention data shows that the US maternal death rate rose sharply in 2021. This alarming figure follows in the wake of a global pandemic, where caution and safety were at the forefront of clinicians’ minds. Moreover, while maternal mortality rates have decreased 43 percent, globally, since 1990, the US is the only developed country where it has increased. The problem only becomes graver from a demographic perspective, where American Indian/Alaska Native and Black women are 2 to 3 times as likely to die from a pregnancy-related cause than white women.
Why is the US trailing behind other developed countries when it comes to maternal health? In a time where clinician burnout is rising and organizations face high turnover rates, the US not only saw maternal health decline, but patient safety as a whole. A 2022 literature review by senior leaders in health systems directly dealing with patient safety issues, stated that “Patient safety policy and practice has relied too heavily on the vigilance and heroism of clinicians, rather than the design of safe systems.” And in response to recent patient safety declines, they propose proven-effective training combined with standardized care processes to improve outcomes.
Now, more than ever, health systems need obstetrics training they can trust; meaning, training that works. In the new age of online learning, it can be difficult to distinguish between what works and what doesn’t, and what meets high-performing health systems’ standards, and what falls short. Here’s what to look for in an online learning platform for obstetrics training.