Over the past two-plus years, the workforce has changed dramatically. Although we are emerging from the chaos of a pandemic, the reality is that we live in a changed world. Technology has enabled remote work and made us more productive than ever before. In this same vein, online learning — including online training and professional development opportunities — has the potential to make us smarter than ever. Forward-thinking employers have been investing in training platforms that quickly and effectively onboard, train, reskill, and upskill their employees at all stages of their career while reaping the analytics to continuously optimize and refine their process to achieve maximum ROI.

To help their people and your organization at large achieve their full potential, leaders and learning and development professionals need to evaluate their L&D strategy with a critical eye. The most effective way to gain insight into if an employee training and development program is working, is to employ an adaptive learning platform, such as Amplifire. The adaptive nature of the platform allows for a completely personalized learning experience which, in turn, collects valuable learner analytics. These learner analytics can provide deeper insights into employees’ progress, knowledge, and skill levels; inform instructional intervention; and help calculate your ROI. Eventually, these insights inform organizational development strategy moving forward.

In the modern world, the strength  of your learning and development strategy cannot be comprehensively evaluated without the help of an effective eLearning platform. To maximize your organization’s potential, here is what industry leaders should be looking at:

Employee training and development audit

When it comes to providing a learning experience that helps your people learn the right things faster and retain more training, it is important to align your L&D strategy with your organization’s goals and nail down your learners’ persona(s).


The first step in your learning & development audit is to refine your strategy. Without the big picture in mind, high-level objectives remain allusive. A tangible outline can kick start the process of materializing goals.

Consider these questions:

  • What is the mission? What do you do? How do you do it? Who do you do it for?
  • What are your L&D departmental objectives? Do they align with the organization’s mission?
  • What initiatives will accomplish these objectives?
  • What KPIs measure success of the initiatives?
  • What is the timeline? What milestones will you set?

To sufficiently attack your initiatives and overall objectives, use the SMART approach. Your efforts should be specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, and timebound. Ultimately, your training content will reflect your initiatives and objectives, and L&D strategy at large. Amplifire’s rich analytics lets you know if your content is landing with learners or if they are struggling to grasp certain topics, skills, and ideas. A high struggle rate may indicate that it is time to update or refine training content.


Let’s be honest, one-size-fits-all never works. Don’t doom your new L&D strategy from the start by assuming it works for every individual. To ensure your new L&D strategy reaches all your employees, you must identify their learner personas.

A learner persona might include:

  • Name, age, seniority, and previous experience
  • Role
  • Areas of struggle
  • Hard skills acquired
  • Career aspirations

Just as marketing teams use personas to reach their target audience as potently as possible, leadership can identify personas to guide decisions where content and learning materials are produced.

Modern learners expect a personalized learning experience. They don’t want to waste time reviewing content they have already mastered. As an adaptive learning platform, Amplifire assesses learners’ current knowledge level and tailors content to fill knowledge gaps, uncertainty, and misinformation. Meet all your employees’ needs through adaptive learning, whether they are brand new or have 20 years’ experience in your industry. They will appreciate that you have respected their time with an adaptive approach.

Personalized learning also works to keep learners engaged. Furthermore, Amplifire uses cognitive triggers that are proven to make learning last by stimulating the brain’s natural sense of curiosity. Our platform is based on powerful brain science discoveries, and curiosity is just one of 27 triggers used to make learning stick for good. Tech often makes the mistake of forgetting who is on the other end: a human being! A foundation in biology — cognitive and neuroscience, specifically — is what sets Amplifire’s platform apart. It’s critical appeal to how people actually learn to see results.

Data and learner analytics audit

Learning and development teams spend countless hours developing training courses for employees. But inevitably, organizations need to ask: is this training effective? Do employees find it useful? Are we properly supporting organizational goals and improving performance? Without robust learner analytics, a training program’s impact is subjective.

Some helpful questions to evaluate the analytics provided by your learning platform:

  • What metrics are tracked?
    • Are they vanity metrics, or are they deeply insightful?
  • Are the metrics indicative of your L&D strategy’s success?
    • Are you using initiative KPIs?
  • Can you leverage these metrics in other ways?
    • Will they help refine your training content?
    • Will they report on the success of your initiatives?
    • Are they useful in informing ongoing L&D strategy?
    • Can you connect training outcomes to business outcomes?

We’re not talking about a cluttered dashboard of confusing acronyms and seemingly arbitrary numbers. At Amplifire, we’re talking specifics: the ability to pinpoint exactly who knows what, how much of it they know, and how well they know it. This type of learner analytic provides the unique ability to see inside the minds that make up your organization, allowing you to nurture your talent and mitigate risks that arise from commonly held misinformation.

Moreover, our struggle report allows L&D teams to identify which individuals may need further remediation. Intervening when employees struggle not only eliminates the risk of costly mistakes down the line, but also provides an additional learning opportunity, as well as a chance to genuinely invest in employees’ success.

These analytics equip instructors and L&D teams with tools to offer the highest quality training in a fraction of the time, often at a lower cost, and always with improved outcomes.

ROI and the Big Picture

Choosing an adaptive eLearning platform for your learning and development initiatives can provide deep insights into what kind of return on investment your employees are gaining from their training, and what return your organization is seeing in the long run. Amplifire customers often see returns in the form of shortened training time, reduced training costs, and improved outcomes for learners and organizations at large. Every organization has different learning and development priorities. Here are some examples:

Time SavedCosts SavedRevenue Gains
EHR installations can cost billions. At UCHealth, a national center for Epic training, classroom instruction has been fully replaced with Amplifire. Savings: 56% reduction in training time with $1.45 million estimated cost savings.At Intermountain Healthcare, a  system of 23 hospitals, results are measured in mistakes avoided, lives saved, and reimbursement from insurers. Savings: $3.6 million
ROI: 25×
At this leading telecom , where customer service performance is measured in revenue per 100 calls, Amplifire was tested against legacy training. Revenue increase: 123%

We help organizations achieve results like this because we make learning stick. With brain science-based techniques, adaptive learning, and a plethora of robust reporting at your fingertips, your L&D strategy can come to life, propelling your organization full steam ahead into the new reality.

From the beginning, Amplifire has relied on innovative brain science to guide its product development to create the most effective learning and training solution, perfectly tailored to the way the human brain works. Learn more about how Amplifire helps people learn better and faster by checking out a demo.

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