38% decrease in CAUTI incidents after Amplifire

Reducing the Incidence of CAUTI

CAUTI is the leading cause of avoidable harm and the most common hospital-acquired condition. Shockingly, studies regularly find that as many as 50% of indwelling urinary catheters in patients are unnecessary. They should not have been ordered. The harm they may potentially cause is entirely avoidable.

To help combat this problem, a major east coast hospital developed and deployed the Amplifire CAUTI Prevention course to its nurses snd providers teaching them the bundle of protocols that have been shown to substantially reduce the incidence of CAUTI. The results have been impressive with a 38% decrease in CAUTI incidents.

CAUTI Knowledge Findings:


  • 8,145 clinicians generated 154,755 data points
  • 5,721 nurses
  • 2,424 providers
  • 26,308 instances of CHMTM found and fixed
  • 27,855 instances of uncertainty found and fixed
  • 100,591 instances of existing proficiency
  • The most misinformed staff spent 81 minutes in the platform on average, while those who were already proficient spent only 10 minutes.
  • By the end of the course, 100% of staff were proficient (both confident and correct) on all the material.

Confidently Held MisinformationTM and Implications

Amplifire discovered a significant amount of Confidently Held MisinformationTM (CHMTM) around urinary catheters when it came to equipment maintenance, catheterization and incontinence and antimicrobial stewardship. Complete the form below to learn about the clinical implications of misinformation about CAUTI.

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