To our clients and partners,

On behalf of the entire Amplifire team, thank you for an amazing 2018, and for your continued partnership. What we accomplished together last year was truly incredible. These accomplishments couldn’t have happened without innovative leaders like you who are transforming learning. You have proven that knowledge engineering reduces training time and costly errors.

Last year we saw results in three key areas:
1. Healthcare – Amplifire’s Healthcare Alliance members developed clinical knowledge engineering courses targeted at reducing hospital acquired infections such as Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) and Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections (CLABSI). Using the latest evidence-based information and best practices, these courses were designed to eliminate Confidently Held Misinformation (CHM), uncertainty, and knowledge gaps that lead to avoidable infection. The results were astonishing. Health systems like Intermountain Healthcare saw up to a 36% reduction in CAUTI and an impressive 51% reduction in CLABSI.

2. Corporate Training – Chief Learning Officers using the Amplifire platform saw a significant return on investment as they reduced training time and costs, while improving employee performance and shortening time to proficiency. Personalized training targeting CHM and knowledge gaps in the workforce, reduced risk and error. For example, a large contact center not only reduced training time by 65%, but saw a 17% increase in their net promoter score.

3. Higher Education – Universities and colleges saw a reduction in student struggle and an increase in retention. Using learner analytics collected through the Amplifire platform, these institutions were able to intervene early to get struggling students back on the path to success. By informing students of where they had knowledge gaps and where they should spend their time studying, a private university saw grade point averages increase by nearly 50% and fail rates drop by 79%. Students felt confident after successful completion of their assignments and as a result registered for sequential courses.

Milestones and Developments
Every year we meet with our Science Advisory Board to review, validate, and enhance the methodology and algorithms of the Amplifire platform. Based on these discussions, we made several product improvements last year to further enhance learning, long-term retention, and the learning experience. Here are a few of our latest software developments:

  • Authoring – Our new authoring platform makes it easier than ever to publish engaging content using interactive media. Authors can create and collaborate on content to ensure it meets learning objectives. Real-time data on course content allows authors to see where improvements need to be made.
  • GapFinder – Practice testing is proven to be one of the most effective learning techniques. That’s why we have added the GapFinder Assessment to our adaptive learning platform. This feature allows administrators to easily create practice tests to measure learners readiness and mastery of concepts. Learners receive immediate feedback on how well they did and can review questions they answered incorrectly along with the correct explanation. The system also recommends additional resources so learners know where to focus their study efforts.
  • Learner Analytics – We’ve enhanced our visual data reporting to give educators and administrators a glimpse into the minds of learners so they can quickly see when and where intervention or remediation is needed. Automated email alerts were created to remind learners when they are falling behind, saving administrators a significant amount of time.
  • Artificial Intelligence – With over 1.9 billion learner interactions, we have tremendous insight into learner behavior. As a result institutions using the Amplifire platform are able to pinpoint and mitigate risks and improve performance. We continue to improve learner messaging to engage, guide, and cajole users towards mastery.

Learning by The Numbers
Below are some milestones we achieved in 2018:

  • Total learner interactions: 1.9B
  • Total # of registrations in Amplifire: 6,280,483
  • Total number of users in Amplifire: 4,579,357
  • Total Time Spent in Amplifire (Hours): 3,554,148
  • Number of new users added in 2018: 1,131,813
  • Course Distribution (approximate): 1,453
  • # of Questions Answered correctly (prior knowledge): 131,078,355
  • # of Questions with CHM: 45,032,853
  • # of Questions with uncertainty: 28,088,507
  • # of Questions with CHM or uncertainty resolved: 71,079,408

Looking Ahead:
In a world of information overload, Amplifire helps individuals focus on areas where they have knowledge gaps or are struggling so they can perform at their highest potential. We remain committed to improving learning efficiency. In collaboration with our partners, we have lined up some impressive goals for this year. Some of these 2019 goals include:

  • Healthcare courses aimed at reducing the opioid epidemic.
  • Epic electronic health record training to improve doctors’ ability and efficiency in logging, tracking, and sharing patient data.
  • Custom contact center training aimed at improving agent call handling so that customers receive accurate answers to their questions in a timely manner.
  • Preparing college and university students for their future careers through study modules that improve their performance on high-stakes tests and the real world.

We are confident that we can reach these goals in 2019 and that together we can make the world a better place by filling knowledge gaps and eliminating Confidently Held Misinformation.