Organizational Culture Library

Enhancing the Care of Patients with Behavioral Health Issues icon

Workplace Violence Prevention

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Learning Objectives

  • Identify common verbal de-escalation techniques and non-coercive de-escalation approaches and when to implement them
  • Describe how to set clear boundaries and limits with patients
  • Identify when situations escalate to the point that they require the involvement of Security or law enforcement
  • Understand that staff safety is the ultimate goal when engaging with agitated patients or visitors
  • Explain how to form collaborative relationships with patients and their families that help facilitate shared decision-making

Course Description

This course teaches verbal de-escalation techniques providers can use when faced with situations in which they must manage agitated or challenging patients.

Did You Know...

  • The nonprofit patient safety organization analyzed 2,364 event reports involving patients with behavioral health needs in general acute care settings.
  • Of those, 1,072 took place in an inpatient nonpsychiatric unit, 782 in the emergency department, 197 elsewhere in the facility and 23 following discharge.
  • More than half of the events involved patient violence against others. Communication challenges, particularly between patient and staff, was the most common contributing factor, showing up in 318 events.

Source: ECRI

Course at a Glance

target audience icon Target Learners:

All Healthcare Associates

time to complete icon Average Completion Time:

20–30 Minutes

contributor icon Co-development Partner(s):


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